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Your April FREE Swimfit Swim Session

FREE Swim Session

Can you believe it's April already? 2017 is flying by so fast, before you know it it'll be 2018! How are you going with your goals for this year? Are you on track or is there some big actions needed? Some of my goals are going really well, I'm competing in more ocean swim events, getting more and more people exciting about swimming and healthy living, but I'm the first to admit that I definitely need to get some other things going pronto! Let's make April the month to get moving towards these goals that have been put on the back burner for the last few months! Comment below with your April Action Plan and stay accountable to make it happen!

My April action plan is to get this years Swimfit Four Mile Beach Ocean Swim organised. Here I said it. The date is picked, Sunday 10 September, so now it's on to event plans, approvals, sponsors and marketing. I am making the promise to you right now that everything will be in place by the end of this month and you will be able to register by 1 May. I'm so excited for you to join me again in this awesome event!


So let's get onto the April FREE Swimfit Swim Session, that's what you're here for in the end :) I've put together another great session for with lots of different swim exercises to keep things fun. You might notice how every session starts with a standard 200 warm up and 100 cool down, please don't ignore these two very important components of a good swim session! We need to warm up the muscles to make most out of any training we do and cool them down again to ensure a speedy recovery.

There is ways to make this fun though! As I mentioned in my previous blog post, swimming with a buddy makes everything so much better and there is some great ways to work together on making swimming more fun!

- Have a chat while kicking with a kick board

- One person swims just arms while the other person holds you ankles and kicks, switch every lap and try some different strokes

- High-five, this is one of my personal favourites! Swim freestyle next to each other and in the recovery high-five each other.

Enjoy your FREE Swimfit Swim Session! If you would like to receive a FREE Swimfit Swim Session by email every month make sure to sign up to the Swimfit E-Newsletter at the bottom of this page. And if these sessions are not quite for you but you are looking for some help in becoming a better swimmer and getting fit, become a Swimfit Member to receive up to 3 swim sessions per week specially designed for you by me, your Personal Swim Coach. Become a member by 30 April 2017 and get 50% off for the first 4 weeks!



Join me in the below upcoming swimming events!

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Splash Harbour Swim - This is a fun and exciting ocean swimming event for competitors of all ages and abilities.Located in the Sydney Harbour, this iconic new swim starts at Rose Bay and follows the coastline enjoying views to the Harbour Bridge as you swim! The 1km is a great distance for people looking to try their first ocean swim. The 2.5km option is just right for fast n' flat hit out, and the 5km is for those that are up for a bigger challenge. Join me in this great event on April 23rd! Register now >>

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Cairns Mudcrabs Lake Barrine Open Water Swim - Join the Cairns Mudcrabs Master Swimming Club in a fun Open Water Swim in beautiful Lake Barrine! More details to follow soon, but put this date on your calendar! Cairns Mubcrabs website >>

25 - 28 May 2017

Great Barrier Reef Masters Games - Play in paradise at the Great Barrier Reef Masters Games! Swimming events are held in the new Tobruk Memorial Pool in Cairns and the Early Bird Special is extended to 21 April. Register now >>

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Quicksilver Reef Swim - Green Island - This unique ocean swim offers competitors a chance to swim in the sparkling waters off Green Island. This spectacular 1.5km or 3km swim has the beauty of the Great Barrier Reef below the surface. Following the swim, competitors and spectators are invited to relax and enjoy the white sandy beaches, emerald rainforest and beautiful coral reef at Green Island. Register now >>

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Swimfit Four Mile Beach Ocean Swim - Swim along famous Four Mile Beach in the balmy Coral Sea. With races ranging from 500m to 6.4km there is a race for everyone in the family! More information to follow soon. Visit the Swimfit event website >>


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