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Speed Session #194

In today's speed session we will practice swimming faster. This sounds simple, but usually, when swimmers try to go faster and put more effort in, they lose technique which increases resistance and reduces power in the water.

If you'd like to set yourself goal times for this set, use the benchmark session (Endurance Session #193) and the goal pace you set yourself. This long-distance goal pace is your 80% effort level, for your 70% goal time simply add 5 seconds to this time. For your 50 Freestyle at 80% effort, simply divide your 80% goal pace time 2. For your 25 Freestyle at 90% effort, take 5 seconds off your 80% effort goal time, and divide this by 4.

These faster times might not seem to crazy, but you might have noticed that the rest time is going down for the 50's and 25's, with only 5 seconds rest in between the 25's. This is an awesome set to help you become a faster swimmer. Go for it!

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