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5 tips for your
Ironman swim

Request the link to the video where I share my 5 tips to make your Ironman or 70.3 swim easier.

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Hi, I am Coach Irene

I have been a swimmer all my life and after moving to Australia from the Netherlands it was a natural move for me to get into ocean swimming and triathlons. Training outside in beautiful Far North Queensland, what's not to love!

While getting involved in the world of triathlons I had more and more people ask me if I could help them with their swimming. 'You make it look so easy and effortless, I want to swim like that. Could you please help me?'. Of course!

So back in 2015 I started Swimfit with the goal to help as many adults on their journey to complete a triathlon and master the art of freestyle to get there.

Over the last 6+ years I have coached 100's of people to finish their first triathlon, Ironman, 70.3 or Ocean Swim.

The Ultimate Online Ironman Swim program

Helping newbie triathletes become confident swimmers with The Ultimate Ironman Online Swim Program.

Does this sound like you?

You have registered for an Ironman, 70.3 or Standard (Olympic) Triathlon, but you've just realised that your swimming lessons from 20 years ago leave you breathless after just one lap in the pool.

Get to the start line of your race feeling confident and ready to smash your swim!

Focussing on Technique, Endurance and Mindset, The Ultimate Online Swim Program will prepare you physically and mentally for your race.

Join the Ultimate Online Swim Program between 1 year and 20 weeks from your race.

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Please send me the 5 tips video

How nervous are you for the swim?How nervous are you for the swim?

You will receive an email with the link in your inbox shortly!

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