In today's session we're going to smash your goal! Set a 200, 400 or 800 Freestyle Goal Time based on what you've done before and pick a time slightly faster. Based on this goal time calculate your times for the different distances in your main set. At the start when swimming the short distances this pace will feel really easy, your goal is to keep making it feel easy, don't tense up and try to make your goal time for the full distance.
Let me know in the comments below if you made your goal time!
Warm up: 400 Swim / 200 Pull / 100 Kick
4 x 100 (50 Scull / 50 Freestyle) - 10sec rest
4 x 50 (25 Underwater Swim / 25 Freestyle) - 10sec rest
8 x 100 Freestyle @ 800m Goal Pace - 10sec rest