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Medley Session #168

Enjoy this fun and challenging Medley Session! Think about your technique in all strokes!

Start with the normal SKIPS warm up, which means you do 50, 100, or 200 of the Swim, Kick, IM, Pull and Swim. This warm up will get you ready for an awesome IM set.

We star the mains et with 4 x 25 IM order, which means you'll do 25 Butterfly, 10 sec rest, 25 Backstroke, 10sec rest, 25 Breaststroke, 10sec rest and 25 Freestyle with 10sec rest.

Followed by 4 x 50 IM, where we do 12.5m of each stroke in the same IM order as above, but we only have rest after each complete 50 IM.

Depending on the level of this session you're following we then go into 100's or 75's with 25 or 50 stroke and 50 Freestyle. The stroke changes every 75 or 100, following the IM order.

We then go into 100's or 200's IM or 100's of Choice Stroke. ANd we then build our way back down the pyramid. This is a fun, short and quick IM session, so go hard :)


Warm up: 200 Swim / 200 Kick / 200 IM / 200 Pull / 200 Swim

4 x 25 IM Order - 10sec rest

4 x 50 IM (12.5m of each stroke) - 15sec rest

4 x 100 (50 stroke: IM order/50 Free) - 20sec rest

4 x 200 IM - 30sec rest

4 x 100 (50 stroke: IM order/50 Free) - 20sec rest

4 x 50 IM (12.5m of each stroke) - 15sec rest

4 x 25 IM Order - 10sec rest

Cool down: 200 Choice


Warm up: 100 Swim / 100 Kick / 100 IM / 100 Pull / 100 Swim

4 x 25 IM Order - 10sec rest

4 x 50 IM (12.5m of each stroke) - 15sec rest

4 x 75 (25 stroke: IM order/50 Free) - 20sec rest

4 x 100 IM - 30sec rest

4 x 75 (25 stroke: IM order/50 Free) - 20sec rest

4 x 50 IM (12.5m of each stroke) - 15sec rest

4 x 25 IM Order - 10sec rest

Cool down: 100 Choice


Warm up: 50 Swim / 50 Kick / 50 IM / 50 Pull / 50 Swim

4 x 25 IM Order - 10sec rest

4 x 50 IM (12.5m of each stroke) - 15sec rest

4 x 100 Choice - 30sec rest

4 x 50 IM (12.5m of each stroke) - 15sec rest

4 x 25 IM Order - 10sec rest

Cool down: 100 Choice



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